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Monday, 5 September 2011

September Exercise of the Month - Side Body Twist with Foam Roller

Start side lying in a neutral spine, lying in a long line position. Place wrist on the foam roller and find balance on hips with legs long, maintaining glut engagement. To ensure that the underneath side remains 'active' consider reaching the top foot towards the opposite wall. This will keep both sides in neutral and reduce risk of beginning the exercise in lateral flexion.

Draw the foam roller towards the body to laterally flex the spine, simultaneously sliding the top hand towards the legs that are also lifting. Consider length at this point to maintain balance. Avoid pulling the foam roller too close as it is in place to aid shoulder stability and lat connection.

Using an exhale breath rotate the upper body towards the legs simultaneouly lifting the legs towards your body and the ceiling. The final position here should be a teaser, lumbar flexion and thoracic lengthened. You should be balanced on the back of the sit bones (ischial tuberosities) to simulate the teaser position. The foam roller may move towards you a little but ensure that you use this prop to stabilise the shoulder rather than rolling it too much as it will cease to be an aid and actually will not support you .

Then unwind the body back to the laterally flexed position, keeping the feet lifted and the shoulder connected by using the foam roller. You will feel that you need to roll the foam roller away from you a little. Keep in a straight line using adductors and gluts to keep balance. Finally return to the start position and repeat the exercise.

Modification: For those who have either tight or weak hip flexors or tight hamstrings, bending the knees at the height of the exercise may help technique and alignment as well making the exercise more accessible.

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