Lie on your side in neutral spine. This means keep slight activity on the waist below rather than allowing the waist to collapse on the floor. To ensure that the waist in neutral consider sending the top foot away lengthening both sides of the waist.
Draw the top hand along the leg and drag the underneath arm towards your shoulder to activate the shoulder stability muscles and latissimus dorsi to allow you to side bend. You should squeeze the inner thighs together and lift these simultaneously off the floor.
Modification: Use fitness circle between the ankles or around the ankles for adductor/abductor connection and additional lower body resistance.
Notes: Ensure that you lift up sideways as if between two sheets of glass. You will find that your buttocks and waist muscles will be working hard.
This exercise is good for people who need strength in the gluteus medius and oblique muscles.
Thanks to my lovely model Tina xx