There is a solution to back pain!

Please visit my site excellent Pilates Website - there is a solution to backpain

Monday, 20 June 2011

Intensive Reformer Course 6-17th June 2011 Central YMCA

Here we are guys - the last reformer course in action - I think Im missing a couple of photos but here's some of the best ones!!

Sue and Dawn practising the mermaid

Dalia and Ri doing side arm preps

Natalie and Lydia - having taken their mat courses with other training providers have been wowed by the Stott Pilates method

Tara and Tina practising the long box - arms pulling straps

Looking good and having fun at the same time ... that's what its about! Well done you were an excellent group - motivated, helped each other as well as being a pleasure to teach. Can't wait to see you when you're ready for your exams - good luck xx

Busy Busy Busy

Im doing so much teaching at the moment, I'm being a little less active on my site. Ive just recently finished a reformer which I will upload the photos up and am going on a myofascial release course over the next 4 days as a student. Fascia is so fascinating and really is something that shouldn't be forgotten both as a manual therapist and a movement instructor - then straight onto teaching STOTT PILATES ISP course at Central YMCA. Hopefully you're booked on if you wanted to as I believe its sold out, however we are running another course in November, so book your place quickly via

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Exercise of the Month (JUNE) - Double Leg Stretch

As usual thanks to Tina who models so willingly! Next month I will start to add some equipment-based exercises

Start in imprint or neutral (if strong enough to maintain neutral). Bring legs into table top. Knees should be directly about the hips to maintain abdominal challenge.

Exhale to bring the torso off the ground (cervical and thoracic only) leaving the torso as long as possible.

Exhale to extend legs out on a diagonal. Only as low as you can maintain imprint or neutral and repeat back to table top 8-10 times. To release from the exercise follow the pictures backwards.

For an additional challenge maintain neutral or imprint and lift and lower the legs, keeping the head down on the floor. You may need to deepen the imprint as you lower the legs ensuring that the lumbar spine is supported.

Enjoy these two treats to ensure that your abdominals look good for the bikini season.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Naturopathy Revision

I just can't seem to get my head 'round this subject at all - is it because it's wishy washy with no real evidence or is it because I thought I was studying osteopathy! Who can say - but whatever it is it needs to stick before 12th June when I taking a 2 hour written paper on it!